Woman buys husband a ‘lookalike’ sex doll to satisfy his high libido [See photos]

Woman buys husband a ‘lookalike’ sex doll to satisfy his high libido [See photos]

Woman buys husband a ‘lookalike’ sex doll to satisfy his high libido [See photos]

A wife, Char Grey, in the UK has bought a sex doll named Dee, in order to satisfy her husband’s high libido.

According to Coventry Telegraph, Grey, took that decision after her horny husband, Callum, suggested a threesome, which she wasn’t comfortable with.

ALSO READ: Types of Sex Dolls

She instead splashed £1.5k (N747,112.50) on a look-alike sex doll to “spice things up” and as an alternative to having a threesome with another person.

Speaking with Southwest News Service, Grey said of the sex doll, “Dee is not just a doll. We’re really attached to her. She’s helped strengthen our relationship and set our sex lives on fire.”

Woman buys husband a ‘lookalike’ sex doll to satisfy his high libido [See photos] Woman buys husband a ‘lookalike’ sex doll to satisfy his high libido [See photos]