
Tompolo’s season of torture, Tantita and Tinubu 

Hardship: Tompolo Appeals to Angry Nigerians to Shelve Planned Nationwide Protests

Tompolo’s season of torture, Tantita and Tinubu 

By Ekanpou Enewaridideke

History is an inspiring storyteller. An inspiring chronicler. In the history of Nigeria there was one man called Tompolo yesterday. This Tompolo of yesterday was an effervescent freedom activist devoted to the developmental emancipation of the Niger Delta. Today there is another man called Tompolo; this Tompolo is embedded and embowelled by Tantita Security Services Nigeria Limited because they have shared vision and interests. It is this Tompolo that has become a new novel critically subjected to different theories deployed by Nigerians to unpack it – all with a conviction to make TOMPOLO a stunningly accessible and readable novel anyone can devour intellectually without confusing constraints.

It has come to public knowledge that, as conceptualised, this wishful intellectual engagement is targeted to produce varied critical perspectives and narratives journeying to every part of the world as recommendations for the Federal Government of Nigeria to act on expeditiously as regards the renewal of the pipeline surveillance contract currently handled by Tantita Security services Nigeria Limited. This has already yielded varied narratives on Tompolo.

The crude oil wealth of Nigeria suffered deadly invasions in the hands of crude oil vampires and thieves from 2016-2022 and the whammy of this invasion was the dwindling production capacity of crude oil. The crude oil production capacity of the Nigerian Government dwindled to the point Nigeria could only boast of about 700 barrels of crude oil produced per day – which was embarrassingly far below the 2.2 million barrels of crude oil daily demanded by OPEC as the oil production quota from Nigeria. For Nigeria it was a lethal impalement in an entanglement it was at a loss what to do to be liberated from the economic whirlpool the low oil production had landed her. It became an economic drought that devoured all at that time like the drought of Chinua Achebe’s Anthills of the Savannah that once devoured the Abazonians of Kangan. However, in a moment of what should be called ‘administrative epiphany’ or ‘Pentecostal awakening’, the government of President Muhammadu Buhari turned to Tompolo for a possible miracle like Jesus Christ coming to the aid of his disciples disastrously buffeted by storm at sea while he was fast asleep on the boat. Near drowning, the disciples called for Jesus Christ’s miraculous intervention and the miracle did come. Similarly, Buhari’s epiphany that saw Tompolo as a bulwark or barricade against the raging storm produced a miracle in the oil sector of the Nigerian economy.

ALSO READ: TOMPOLO’S TANTITA: A private security actor that saved the nation

In august 2022 Tompolo was contractually empowered and enabled to wage a justifiable war against the crude oil vampires creating monsters and nightmares for the Buhari-led government. From August 2022 Tantita Security Services Nigeria Limited was called into being as a counter-force to crude oil vampires and thieves in Nigeria. With amazing devoted engagement of the pipeline surveillance contract, Tomplolo produced stunning results seen as stimulants to the once dwindling economy of Nigeria. From about 700 barrels of crude oil per day the crude oil production capacity of Nigeria was pushed to 1.6 million barrels per day. Statistically, eight billion dollars that would have been carted away by crude oil vampires rather journeyed confidently and safely into the coffers of the Nigerian Federal Government.Congratulations to Tompolo!

The Tompolo of yesterday and the Tompolo of today having being backgrounded just now, it is with all the conviction in the world I hereby increase the stridency of my voice raised in desecration and pulverization of all the critically channelled narratives on Tompolo over the pipeline surveillance contract. In the thinking of the gratuitous producers of the positive narratives on Tompolo, the pipeline surveillance contract should be renewed quickly; for those who produce and align themselves with the negative narratives on him, the contract should not be accorded any renewal. These are the naysayers who are the inveterate congenital carriers of evil, antagonism, vindictiveness and envy – as the public would be tempted to view them! Both the positive and negative narratives on Tompolo and Tantita are objectionable infiltrators and do-gooders who have misfiredd by their hysterical public pronouncements envisioned for their various ends pursued.

Nigerians know that if President Muhammadu Buhari had done anything right by one nautical mile while in office, President Ahmed Bola Tinubu, as a seasoned and intellectually charged leader, will do it right by ten nautical miles. Nigerians do know that it was Tompolo who salvaged Nigeria from the ravaging crude oil theft and the crude oil Armageddon master-minded by the crude oil vampires. Nigerians also know that Tompolo has not erred in the execution of the pipeline surveillance contract and that Tompolo is verbally tortured here and there in the media today because he has performed optimally to the dismay of the crude oil vampires and the accredited enemies of progress in Nigeria.To the benighted, to bombard every space with anti-Tompolo narratives could be another torture for President Tinubu because it would be burdensome and bothersome for the president of a country to be routinely treated to the rigmarole of tales that lack facticity in a country where he (Tompoolo) is seen by many as ideologically situated above his peers.

Vindictively tortured, disfigured, defaced, mauled and minimised verbally as Tompolo today – alongside Mele Kyari, the Group Managing Director of NNPCL, Nuhu Rubadu the National Security Adviser, Chief Timipre Sylva the immediate past Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Ogiame Atuwase III, Samuel Ogbuku the Managing Director of NDDC and many others – President Tinubu knows the remarkable performance of that self-effacing Tompolo embedded in Tantita Security Services Nigeria Limited.

Administratively , Tinubu is a master of the tide who is very much at home with his duties when it is respectively ebb tide and full tide as it is usually tidally determined in any river where the water is not stagnant. Tinubu knows the season of contract-award, contract- execution and contract-renewal.This is the season of contract-renewal for Tompolo and Tinubu knows this. So President Tinubu does not need any gratuitous positive or negative narratives to swing into action. As a man of wisdom and vision who always moves within his applauded visionary enclosure, President Tinubu will always do the needful in the renewal of Tantita pipeline surveillance contract without reading positive and negative narratives on Tompolo. Then the propounders and the producers of varied narratives on Tompolo who are still at it with toadying neurosis become wishful thinkers!

A grotesque gap actually resides in all the positive and negative narratives on Tompolo.The gap appallingly left by the grand masters of the positive and negative narratives on Tompolo is their silence on the needed upward review of Tompolo’s pipeline surveillance contract. The economic indices in Nigeria necessitate an upward review of the surveillance contract of Tompolo. Because there is already a national consensus on the commendable optimal contractual performance of Tompolo and Tantita coupled with a consensus on the desirability of the pipeline surveillance contract-renewal, I hereby appeal to President Tinubu to give Tompolo’s pipeline surveillance contract an upward review to reflect the present economic indices as things are no longer the way they were in 2022 when the contract was first awarded. The extension of this passionate appeal also goes to the dedicated propounders and producers of both the positive and negative narratives on Tompolo to pause, reflect and coalesce into a progressive CONGLOMERATE that agitates for and projects the upward review of Tompolo’s surveillance contract as a priority, not praise-singing, acidic verbal assault and contract-renewal shibboleths, because President Ahmed Bola Tinubu does not need any teleguided narratives on Tompolo to be goaded into action for contract-renewal.

Intuitively, I know that however the altitude of the verbal torture Tompolo is vindictively subjected to by his accredited lovers and accredited haters, President Bola Tinubu, as the proverbial wise man spotted in any African folktale capacitated from birth to outrun, outsmart and outshine the tortoise with his deceptive carapace, knows that the pipeline surveillance contract-renewal is a fait accompli for Tompolo and Tantita Security Services Nigeria Limited because the president believes in commendable visible and verifiable performance in contract-execution.

Enewaridideke, writes from Akparemogbene in Delta State.