
The untold story of the Ebenanaowei of Ogulagha Kingdom 

By Asiayei Enaibo

Kingdoms exist on the premises of the tradition of the founding fathers, their sacred laws, principles, norms, and ethics sustain their strength, powers beyond conquest. Ogulagha kingdom, one sacred Ijaw kingdom that have existed before the coming of the colonial masters in history, briefly called “Ogula” recorded in the national archives.

This oil rich kingdom in Burutu local government Area of Delta State. Nigeria has made historical milestones in the year 2020. The kingdom is ruled by a traditional ruler as it is known in the Niger Delta and Nigeria at large. His Royal Majesty, King Elder Joseph. I. Timiyan, the Ibenanaowei of Ogulagha Kingdom, Agbonu! Agbonu! Agbonu! The owner and the defender of the sovereign territory of the region, the head of all Spirits, the King of all witches and wizards, he is the traditional supreme eye that govern his Kingdom, all lands and waters belong to him, that is the meaning of Ibenanawei.

This kingdom is one of the richest kingdoms in the Niger Delta because all communities, both land and waters produce oil that makes the King superlatively different from others. Trees and Waters obey when Agbonu moves, birds sing his praises, the king above Kings, the thunderstorm that trees genuflect before Agbonu, the grasses lower their heads when Agbonu walks, the man above men, his height is more than humans. God created this King for Kings, the King that fishes submit themselves for his coronation anniversaries at will from the sea for human consumption, that is the chairman of Ijaw Traditional Rulers in Delta State.

The waters were unnecessarily in turbulence, waves frightening fishermen and women at the seashore. The gods had a brief meeting at the depth of the sea, a Dolphin reported by a spit of waters, people were in panic praying for the water to be still, somewhere humming Agbonu, Agbonu, the turbulence water was forced to be still. There are no two Kings in a kingdom, the King who owns the land and waters, Agbonu, Agbonu, calmness took over the sea all small powers bow before the mentioned of the name of the Great King Agbonu!

It was at night, many spirits were discussing how they’ve been troubled by the Great king of Ogulagha kingdom in Burutu local government Area of Delta State. This King is doing extraordinary things in this our kingdom, others all ears on ground to listen, Agbonu has driven away all turbulence spirits, the likes of ‘Dirimodirimo’, and ‘Beni-asin’, the first spirit Doubeni said, this king does not tolerate evil, he dislikes any gods that doesn’t have positive contribution to the well-being of his people, once he noticed such, he will organize prayer day to drive them away, so few of us in this part of the Ogulagha rivers are considered good gods among men, so if you do not have good intentions, start to run to kingdoms that will accommodate your evil acts, in this place that Agbonu rules is a sacred waters and lands.

The second spirit asked, what has Agbonu done that you are complaining? “Torubeni” the spirit said, Agbonu is claiming the head of all the forces of this kingdom, look at his title, the Ibenanawei of Ogulagha kingdom without considering our positions? The spirit ‘Doubeni’ asked again who is the King of this Kingdom? The complaining spirit said it is Agbonu, so if he is the King of the kingdom, is he not the head of the gods? Or do we now have two kings in this kingdom? the spirit reluctantly said no? So Doubeni discredit Torubeni’s envious activities and nullified the spiritual judgement that Agbonu has no case here, for his intentions are pure and do not harbour hearsay to this meeting. Doubeni the head of the gods declared Agbonu winner of the first baseless case against him.

The second petition, last year Agbonu’s 15th coronation anniversary, he committed a sacrilege by giving chieftaincy title to women in Ogulagha kingdom, that has never happened in the spiritual and physical history of women in this kingdom, it is a taboo, that Agbonu has offended us. The other spirits asked him, can the world exist without the role of women in the physical and both spiritual world? Agbonu has come to complete what was not made right to be right,  because women represent the world of the living (born) and the world of the unliving (unborn), all of us made manifest through their pathway, so if a man can be a chief in the Kingdom, what could deprive a woman not to be chief? Let me also remind you that when Agbonu wanted to give the chieftaincy title to the women, Agbonu sent in libations of drinks through a chief to pour at the four corners of the palace and one of the drinks went straight to your mouth, didn’t you drink it or not?

What you fail to know is that in the realm Agbonu, Pere Capt. Joseph Timiyan, the Ibenanawei operates from is unquestionable, he is the head of the living, the custodian of the land, both the born and the unborn, his doings are upheld by the ethics of what has been written on the land before man given what belong to Ceasar to Ceasar, so go home and complain no more. The God of Agbonu is a God who believe in fairness and justice, if you are not careful, you will not have any food to eat from the human world because you are a stubborn and unsubmissive god that they will soon be prayed against into exile by fire, that will actually kill your powers in this upcoming Ogulagha Prayer day organized by the King himself.

The count charges against Agbonu as the head of all the spirit in the ancient Ogulagha kingdom stands, and Agbonu triumphantly moves to another yearly Ogulagha Kingdom prayer day, November 12, 2021. Ogulagha kingdom has this untold history as the King bestowed women chiefs for the first time in the history of the land which has been recorded for human references and it is only in Ogulaha kingdom that all the communities are producing oil. Ogulagha kingdom has no female chiefs before now, but Agbonu has made the women in Ogulagha to have voice as mothers who have stood over the years to protect and pray for their children, husbands, uncles, etc.

I am not here to praise Agbonu, but his strength inspired me, his doggedness, his royal valor, his love, his commitment to National peace, his Faith to his believe, his passion for women development, his solidity to kingdom affairs, his unbent royalty, his words and wisdom made him the Agbonu, the Ibenanawei that we know, long live the king!

Agbonu is an emblem of equity and humanity in humanism. He created a world were men and women could seat to discuss some fundamental issues for the welfare of the Ogulagha kingdom.

When Agbonu is coming to town, you should know that a King is coming to town, his strength is of the Lord, his eyes are opened through the eyes of God the creator. He speaks against evil, but he does not speak against what you believe on. He prays to God for peace and development on the land, he speaks of unity, not disunity. Let us support Agbonu the great King of the gods and land in this territory. ‘Doubeni’ declared the meeting closed and charge all the benevolent spirits to attend the prayer Day.

Agbonu! Agbonu! Agbonu!

There is no kingdom of two opposing kings. Long live the King!
Long live the Ibenanawei!

I woke up, it was a dream. So, I write as the interpreter of the unknown voices, Agbonu, that is the great king who rule over his people in peace, development and harmony.

HRM, Père J. I. Timiyan (JP) the Ibenanawei of Ogulagha kingdom, Agbonu! Agbonu! Agbonu!
May your reign be long!