
Terrible: Man Impregnates 12-Year-Old Niece After Multiple Sexual Intercourse In Warri

By Brakere Birinimighan

Nigeria female pop star,Blessing Enyamuke, popularly known as Beetasha, who is equally the founder of Delta Pikin Initiative, has advised women and wives who go to villages to bring under aged girls between the age of 12 and 16, especially, to serve as nannies, to be watchful and encourage these girls to speak up whenever they were sexually molested within or outside their household and take them like their own children.

Enyamuke gave the advice against the back drop of a recent experience she had involving a neighbour who kept molesting his 12 years old niece he had brought to live with him till he impregnated her in Warri.

Narrating her ordeal to the GbaramatuVoice, she said: “Everyday young children are raped, molested and abused all for selfish desires. Young and old men prey on small kids- girls who are harmless and vulnerable all to satisfy their sexual desires. The story I’m about to share happened in my compound in Warri. I swear it left me torn, terrified and saddened. The man in question is an Igbo man,” she said adding that,

“A boy who lives in my compound, had confided in his uncle who he felt was an angel and had brought his younger sister from the village to come live with them but found out last night, as late as 10pm, that the uncle has been sexually abusing his younger sister who is 12 years of age and she is currently pregnant.”

Speaking further, she said the young boy went frantic from rage and physically attacked his uncle leading to a fight which lasted from 10pm to 11.45pm due to the pain and disappointment the young boy felt claiming he had been suspecting the uncle but had no proof.

Enyamuke explained further: “He confronted his uncle only for his uncle to slap him and pounced on him. They started fighting; the young boy was ready to kill his uncle as the matter had escalated.

“I did not know something like this was happening until I turned off the generator only to find out, and heard the young man lamenting and ready to kill his uncle last night. The man’s home was in chaos. His children were crying as he was fighting, his wife was injured and the young girl in question who got pregnant for him was bleeding as a result of the beating that was given to her by the uncle,”

She narrated she was forced to mind her business alongside others since that was the kind of compound they were living.

“To make matters worse, the uncle threw out the young boy and locked him out, saying he should sleep out or get out from his house. The man’s wife could not do a thing because she was scared.

The young boy was shouting, and banging his uncle’s door. He kept saying, ‘Oh, my Sister! Oh, my sister! She’s just 12years old!’ The young boy did not care if it was late, he wanted the uncle to come out so they fight and kill themselves. He went further to say how he brought the girl he was supposed to marry last year to this same uncle and he did same thing to her before the left the house. The young man was shouting and lamenting, ‘Come out, I will kill you!’ till the Civil Defence came at 11:50pm yesterday,” she said.

Enyamuke also explained that nobody could talk to the uncle as he stood on his ground insulting and shouting at the Civil Defence guys that came out until they had to leave saying it was a family matter.

“I could not sleep last night, I just kept thinking of the 12 year old girl who was pregnant and what her parents in the village would do when they hear of it. I thought by this morning justice would have been served but nothing has happened o; I have not seen nor heard from the boy whose younger sister was abused. The stupid man is currently roaming free.

“Many cases like this happen every day or even the ones worse than this. These young men, married or unmarried, prey on young, vulnerable children – girls and go free. Parents who are poor send their children to big cities to work for their relatives but they end up molested and victimised.  It is very sad because in most cases nothing is done, and the predator keeps preying on more children and it goes on an on. There is nothing I can do for now because I have not seen the young boy. I just had to post and share this on social media. People need to speak up and stop such act. We also need more governmental bodies and agencies who can tackle such issues and put justice in place.

“To the men who engage in such act, it is demonic and sinful. Please stop it,” she concluded on a note of warning.