National News

Tantita congratulates President Tinubu on 100 days in office, tribunal victory

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Tantita congratulates President Tinubu on 100 days in office, tribunal victory

The management and entire team of Tantita Security Services Nigeria Limited on Saturday applauded President Bola Ahmed Tinubu as his administration marked 100 days in office and his victory at the Presidential Election Petitions Tribunal.

The security company in a statement issued to the press stated that the 100 days of President Tinubu had set the nation in the right path.

The group added that despite the fact that the journey has not been easy, Nigerians are assured that there is hope for the future.

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The statement reads: “Though, the 100 days were gusty and breathe taking, they, however, set the nation on the path of economic recovery, restoration and an assurance to citizens that better days are ahead. The landmark tribunal victory additionally conferred confidence and legitimacy on the mandate freely given to you by Nigerians on the 25th of February 2023.

“Tantita Security Services Limited have implicit trust and faith in the Administration’s capacity to galvanize the nation to greater heights and abundance for Nigerians.

“Tantita Security Services Limited assures the government that it will not rest on its oars to apprehend ships, vessels and persons involved in the illegal crude oil bunkering business that had economically retarded the nation in real time in the past years.

“Tantita Security Services Limited will continue to work in support of the administration through ensuring zero tolerance for oil theft and pipelines vandalism in the Niger Delta. We will perform our assigned duties with renewed enthusiasm and to the best of our ability.

“The spillover effect would be the boost in oil production, which in turn will exponentially lead to increased revenue earnings of the nation, that will enable your administration fulfil its campaign promises to Nigerians.

“To this end, Tantita endorses and fully key’s into the Renewed Hope mantra of the government. We guarantee tough time for oil thieves in the creeks and waterways of the littoral states of the Niger Delta Region.

“Finally, Tantita Security Services Limited once again congratulate you on the 100 days of your administration and the Tribunal judgement that reaffirmed the mandate freely given to you by Nigerians in the Presidential Election.

“The good Lord grants you more wisdom and sound health to steer the affairs of the nation for the wellbeing of all citizens and to the envy of other nations.”

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