Press Release


Our attention have been drawn to a statement made by one Barrister Pele A. Demebide on Facebook and which has been reprinted and quoted by certain irresponsible platforms, which include some National Newspapers and fellow online publications in the state.

The statement made certain allusions to our company, being involved in the recruitment exercises of the Nigerian Maritime University, Okerenkoko, Delta State.

While we normally would not dignify a wishy-washy, error-ridden and attention-seeking piece obviously made by a demented and grossly twisted mind, we because of our integrity, a term which obviously eludes the writer, would like to put the records straight, as they concern the Maritime University, Okerenkoko, Delta State.

We are a credible media outfit, duly registered to practice as such, in Nigeria and we have carried out our business with zeal and high integrity as stated in our Mission Statement from day one of our operations.

Our office and practice are not registered to do business as employment consultants and we are surprised by the allusions that people have been instructed to drop applications to our office for the purpose of recruitment exercises, especially for the Maritime University, a virgin institution, which the writer and his paid agents are trying to mire in controversy from birth.

A part of the statement states ”while other credible and very qualified applicants are made to dump their CVs at the Gbaramatu Voice office”.

It is obvious that certain dark forces are at work here. We are resolute in our desire to serve as a spring board on which, the progress of the Ijaw Nation, Delta State and Nigeria, is actualized and we would never be a cog in the wheel of peace and unity in the country.

However, we are aware of this quack writer’s resolve to continue his campaign of calumny against our company. We therefore, hereby warn him and his ilk’s to desist from this destructive path, because it shall consume them in no small measure.

All the owners of the platforms that have published these stories are advised to retract them and tender public apologies to us. These should be prominently displayed on same platforms, within seven days or they should be ready to face severe legal actions.

While we are committed to peace and tranquility in the land, we shall not allow certain misguided miscreants, to rub our integrity in the mud.

Don’t test our resolve to defend our honour, it may lead to irreversible regret and ignominy to your person or organization.

Please accept the assurances of our highest regards.


Jacob Abai, Publisher/Editor-in-Chief,

GbaramatuVoice Newspaper

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