
Protests erupt in Bayelsa after Doo Akpo officer shoots Delta man over N200 Bribe

Yenagoa, Nigeria – Outrage and protests have erupted in Bayelsa following the brutal killing of 40-year-old electrician Benalayefa Bako Asiayei on Monday. Protesters carried the victim’s corpse to the gate of the Government House in Yenagoa, demanding justice.

Asiayei, who hailed from Ayakoromo and Akugbene in Delta State, was allegedly shot dead by a police officer from Bayelsa State’s security outfit, codenamed “Operation Doo Akpo,” on Azikoro Road at approximately 8:00 PM. Eyewitnesses reported that Asiayei was shot for refusing to pay a N200 bribe.

According to witnesses, the officer was conducting a “stop and search” operation when he demanded the bribe from Asiayei. Upon his refusal, the officer shot him, sparking immediate outrage among local youths.

In a dramatic demonstration of their anger, protesters carried Asiayei’s body to the Government House, demanding justice. The protest caused significant commotion as youths decried the pervasive corruption and brutality within the police force.

“We are tired of this brutality and corruption,” said one of the protesters. “Benalayefa was just trying to make an honest living, and now his life has been cut short over a mere N200.”

The scene drew a large crowd and heightened tension, with many calling for immediate action from the state government and police authorities. The protesters demanded that the officer responsible for the shooting be held accountable and that measures be put in place to prevent such incidents in the future.

When contacted by GbaramatuVoice on Wednesday, the state police public relations officer ASP Musa Mohammed stated, “Doo Akpo is a state government outfit; the state will give their statement.”

The Asiayei family, still reeling from the shock of the incident, is calling for swift justice. “We want the Executive Governor of Bayelsa State, Sen. Douye Diri, and the Inspector General of Police to ensure that the officer who killed Benalayefa faces the full extent of the law,” a family member stated.

This tragic incident has once again highlighted the issue of police brutality and corruption in Nigeria, with many calling for comprehensive reforms within the police force. The Bayelsa community, standing in solidarity with the Asiayei family, continues to seek justice for Benalayefa.

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