
Lessons from Jude Ebitimi Ukori, outgoing chairman of EGCDF

By GbaramatuVoice Editorial Board

At Gbaramatu Publishing Company Limited, owners of the GbaramatuVoice Newspaper, we have through our interface with all strata of personalities within the six years of our existence come to recognize some sets of new awareness.

First is that journalism is a profession that avails one the opportunity to learn from those that are enlightened. The practice has also assisted us to acknowledge that there are clear thinkers, muddled thinkers and people that fall in-between. Clear thinkers (are the ones that can cull everything down into the right points) are very hard to find. But if you get yourself a team of clear thinkers, the possibilities are endless. These are men who see tomorrow, trailblazers and high level executives, but most often misunderstood by some fellow countrymen still stuck in the old normal of yesterday.

Without any shadow of the doubt, the Editorial Board and entire Management and Staff of the GbaramatuVoice, have observed and can attest that Comrade Jude Ebitimi Ukori, the outgoing chairman of Egbema-Gbaramatu Communities Development Foundation (EGCDF), is a clear thinker. This testimony is predicated on his superlative performance and unparalleled achievements recorded by the Egbema-Gbaramatu Communities Development Foundation (EGCDF), from 2017 to 2021, that he occupied the office.

He built leadership/administrative structure needed for seamless leadership continuity in the foundation, democratized information management in ways that quarantined intending information seekers about the organization free/unhindered access.

He developed a workable Master Plan, and implemented integrated infrastructural development of the communities under the foundation.

He promoted education and empowered the youths in the area. Most importantly, Comrade Ukori’s leadership institutionalized financial transparency, accountability and prudent spending of public fund.

Aside these achievements, there is something striking about this great man: He occupied an exalted position, yet, found it easy and convivial associating with the less privileged. He is quietly influential and self contained. He, within the period of four years in office, redefined leadership in the image of his character, vision and achievement.

At the GbaramatuVoice Newspaper, we associated freely with him and through the process learned invaluable things. By his leadership models, we have internalized the new awareness that the credibility of leadership can only be established through actions and not words.

As he had completed his term of office today, Wednesday, April 28, 2021, and handed over the mantle of leadership to another great son of Gbaramatu Kingdom in the person of Chief Joseph Wuruyai, the new Chairman of Ebgema-Gbaramatu Communities Development Foundation (EGCDF), we recommend, and call on the Senator (Dr.) Ifeanyi Okowa led Delta State Government, to recognize him and possibly assign to him, a greater responsibility in the state as it will be considered unwise to allow his leadership sagacity to be redundant. After all, the reward for good work, they say, is more work’.

To the incoming Chairman, we congratulate you. We must also remind you that this present appointment will make you both lucky and unlucky.

You are lucky because you have a new feat and a new height. But unlucky because like success that brings new problems, the appointment has thrust, yet, another responsibility on you, an extremely important destiny, to complete a process of socioeconomic rejuvenation of the kingdoms.

In view of the above facts, it is our objective admonition that you don’t abandon any ongoing projects instituted by the outgoing administration or destroy the existing structure. You must not fail to remember that leadership is a continuous process.

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