It is the Word of God that keeps me young @ 50 – Omuze

In this interview with GbaramatuVoice, Sunday Ebikeme Omuze, Oil Magnate, Philanthropist and the CEO/MD, Sunny-Ebi Multi Systems Limited, he talked of his trust in God, how he scaled the huddles of life and his wish for loved ones.

Please can you introduce yourself Sir?

My name is Sunday Ebikeme Omuze, CEO/MD, Sunny-Ebi Multi Purpose Limited.

You just clocked fifty today, Congratulations! How would you describe the journey so far?

The journey of life is not always easy. Yesterday, I reflected on the years before. Mostly on some of the things I had gone through. One can only be grateful to God for it is only by God’s grace we got to where we are today.

Half a Century of Life is quite a landmark achievement; would you say that you are satisfied with your achievements?

Well, we can’t be fully satisfied yet. But we are fully thankful for God’s grace. As long as God keeps using us, we pray that God keeps us. Seventy years is the least God has approved for His children. I am fifty now, there are many years ahead to make great impact. Most importantly we look unto God for preservation.

One Could Never Tell That You Are Fifty looking at you. You are very young. What is the secret?

I can’t say that I have one, except the basic tenements of morality like faithfulness and honesty in every aspect of life. God said that if our ways please Him, He will renew our youth. People will wonder and ask our ages, when we tell them, they will be amazed. In one of the three orphanages I visited, specifically the last one, I saw a woman in her nineties looking very healthy, smart and strong. This is exactly what Scriptures meant. Well conclusively, I can say that the secret to the fact that is God.

At fifty, what has been your driving force in life?

It is the Word of God. I am grateful for the Word of God. Every day I use God’s Word to encourage myself and forge forward in life. The Bible is contemporarily relevant in all times, it is of utmost necessity that we abide to its rules. The blessings that follow are enormous and the inevitable end is peace. Overall, the Word of God is my strength.

We just witnessed your philanthropic visit to three Orphanages. What motivated that?

While I was speaking at the orphanages, I quoted a few verses from Ecclesiastes 12:13-14. It says there that we were created for a purpose. We must strive to achieve that purpose, because there will be a day where He will bring our works to judgment. Finally, 14 says that whatever we do, in secret or in open, God will judge.

Any last word for your friends, family and well wishers?

I thank God for Nigeria, the church, our doctors and nurses who are on the front line fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. I deeply appreciate them. God’s grace denounced the projection of increased mortality rates by International Organizations like the World Health Organization. He heard and answered our prayers and empowered our health workers to curtail the spread of the virus. The figures in Delta State are not alarming and that is the hand of God. We must not lose hope no matter the situation, but hope and always trust in God. To conclude, I wish all my friends, family and well-wishers, long live and prosperity, so that in the end, we will all look back and appreciate the Lord.