
How My Daughter Narrowly Escaped Stray Bullet – Dr. Otuisi, Ex-Governor Okowa’s Aide

Dr. Louis Otuisi, former Special Assistant to ex-Governor Ifeanyi Okowa, has recounted how his daughter, Michelle, narrowly escaped a stray bullet in a shocking incident at his residence in Effurun, Delta State. He shared this emotional testimony during her 5th birthday celebration, held over the weekend at his home.

According to Dr. Otuisi, the incident occurred in March this year, only a few months before Michelle’s birthday in September. The little girl was playing in the family compound when she asked the security guard to open her father’s Lexus car so she could sit inside. The guard, familiar with Michelle’s playful requests, obliged.

“Michelle asked the security man to open my car, and since she’s the ‘little madam,’ he complied and kept an eye on her. But as he was watching her, his phone rang, and he stepped away to take the call,” Dr. Otuisi recounted.

Dr. Otuisi and family

During the brief moment the security guard was distracted, Michelle got out of the car and moved to another area of the compound. In a shocking twist, a stray bullet suddenly pierced through the carport, shattered the car’s windscreen, damaged the dashboard, and lodged into the seat where Michelle had been sitting just minutes earlier.

“As soon as Michelle stepped away, a stray bullet came out of nowhere, tore through the windscreen, burst the dashboard, and pierced the very seat where my daughter had been sitting. It wasn’t a random hit on the trunk or the back of the car—it went straight into the exact spot where she was seated,” Dr. Otuisi explained, visibly emotional as he recounted the close call.

Dr. Otuisi with his family and invited guests.

Fortunately, Michelle was unharmed, having moved away from the car just in time. “While all this was happening, Michelle was standing nearby, watching the entire scene unfold. It was nothing short of divine intervention,” he added.

Baby Mitchell Otuisi

Dr. Otuisi, who was not in town at the time of the incident, expressed his profound gratitude to God for sparing his daughter’s life. He emphasized how miraculous the timing was and how God’s protection over Michelle has deeply impacted his family. “Only God could have done this. How do you explain a bullet hitting exactly where my daughter was sitting and her being unharmed? That’s why I celebrate the way I do,” he said.

He also explained that the birthday celebration, though delayed from Michelle’s official birthday on September 11 due to weekday commitments, was even more special because it was not just about her turning five, but also a celebration of her life and survival.

“People often wonder why I dance so joyfully without holding back. Now you know the reason. God saved my daughter from a tragedy, and I have every reason to thank Him. I owe no one an apology for how I express my joy,” Dr. Otuisi added.

He also reflected on the futility of finding out where the stray bullet came from. “How many police stations would I have to visit to trace the origin of that bullet? How many officers would I ask? There’s no explanation but God.”

The guests at the celebration were visibly moved by the testimony, joining the Otuisi family in offering prayers and thanks for the miraculous escape. Dr. Otuisi concluded his emotional speech by encouraging everyone to celebrate life and be grateful for every blessing.

The birthday event, though filled with the usual joys of cake-cutting, music, and dancing, carried a deeper significance as it served as a powerful reminder of God’s protection over the young Michelle, the Ada (eldest daughter) of the family.

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