
Goodluck Ebele Jonathan: Right choice for Nigeria now, By Miabiye Kuromiema

Goodluck Ebele Jonathan: Right choice for Nigeria now, By Miabiye Kuromiema

Dr. Goodluck Jonathan has just been announced by Ikechukwu Eze, his publicist, to have been appointed into the Board of an European Advisory body, an NGO focused on building Relationships among Europe, Middle East and Africa.

The statement from Ikechukwu Eze noted that, by this appointment, Jonathan has now become the first sub-Saharan African leader to serve on the board of the ECAM Council.

ALSO READ: Goodluck Jonathan to protesters: I cannot tell if I’m contesting, political process ongoing, watch out

A letter from the ECAM Council to the Office of Jonathan informing him of the appointment stated, “For your information, the Chairman of ECAM Council, Dr. Kamel Ghribi, is well acquainted with Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. We are setting up an international advisory board of ECAM Council and Dr. Ghribi would be delighted to welcome him on board.”

Jonathan, who is currently in Senegal in a meeting of West Africa Elders Council which he chairs, will leave Senegal for United Kingdom before returning to Nigeria.

However, the problem that needs solutions is Nigeria and not the World or Europe or its Relationship. Dr. Jonathan is seen across Nigeria as the solution of leadership both from his records of handling toxic assault on his reputation, Presidential experience, managerial competence and capacity to seek out great minds into service among great Nigerian minds. He stands head above shoulders measured against all who are seeking to be President and can be trusted to unite and grow Nigeria.

Dr. Jonathan is under pressure mostly from the far North of Nigeria, who fear that if leadership slips from them, the region may suffer not only for it growing insecurity and poverty, but weaken its place in power equation. The North, therefore, sees hope in the good nature and conciliatory disposition of Dr Jonathan. They are routing for him to take up office as President as a North Consensus Candidate to pair with a running mate from the North.

Dr. Jonathan, who is reported to have given conditions to President Buhari upon which he may consider running, has also stirred malicious and damaging controversy from politicians, because his eventual entry will upset the chances of less competent, experienced persons seeking that office in both frontline parties of the APC and the PDP.

Relationships and goodwill from across the world that is flowing from Dr. Jonathan is a constant. This new appointment is a mere pointer to that recognition and say it loud enough, in hope that Nigerians and President Buhari are aware they have a gold fish of global consequences that can attract global support to oviate a long history of bad leadership that challenges Africa. Nigeria and Africa needs inspiration and example in good leadership they can be proud of and Dr Jonathan has that brand.

National Service drawing from capacity, competence and goodwill supports the need for leadership solutions to Nigeria’s problem.

It takes a very narrow worldview to project, as many of his political opponents want to paint, that the reason for deploying Dr Jonathan as “suitable” brand is for mere opportunistic access to power or driven by favor seekers who are championing the Dr Jonathan Brand.

It is, perhaps, a shame, typical of Nigerian politics, to even hold these reasoning as grounds for keeping Dr. Jonathan out of using power from his great spirit and globally acclaimed leadership brand held out to us in his person.

The argument is made that anyway we look at it, this appointment and recognition is another support of that fact that Dr. Jonathan is a respected brand who will invest that respect to the benefit of Nigeria.

Let us even assume as some project that Europe is taking away Dr. Jonathan from seeking office so that Nigeria is denied the benefit of his leadership. It is the more reason it provides all Nigerians opportunity to insist on President Buhari deploying his influence to grant every condition that Dr. Jonathan demands to throw his heart into another season of service with his now more experienced and mature mind after 8-years of reflection since he gracefully and voluntarily left power.

The above make it even more incumbent of Dr. Jonathan and President Buhari to make a decision to give our mother land, Africa, and Nigeria the leadership that only Dr. Jonathan can offer at this hour.

While the appointment is welcomed and appreciated, the attempt to use it by many to drive a narrative to exclude him fails to appreciate the power it offers in promoting the Dr. Jonathan brand and its value on the globe. It shouldn’t serve to be a distraction except that it is used for the services of projecting leadership that Africa and Nigeria needs to power its political economy re-emergence that is expected out of Nigeria

Should Buhari be patriotic, he has another justification to respond to the demand of Dr. Jonathan.

Non of the contestants in both of the frontline political parties have this brand.

The stage is evermore ready to make the Presidential pronouncement in support of Dr. Jonathan’s formal entry as candidate to run as President in this election. Another four years of Dr Jonathan will inspire leadership in Africa and change the course of global view of black race rising from the Black Continent.

Miabiye Kuromiema
Katy Texas USA