
GbaramatuVoice @3: Celebrating Unparalleled Media Practice

By GbaramatuVoice Editorial Board

If there is any reason that has made our journey smooth and has aided our transition to the top as a corporate media organization within this short period, it is our founder’s shared belief that the function of the press is very high and almost holy. That it must serve as a forum for the people, through whom they may freely know what is going on; and to misstating or suppressing information is a breach of trust.

This belief of our publisher no doubt brought about an inbuilt consciousness among the staff that, every decision we make as a journalist when gathering, organizing and presenting the news requires a value judgment, as different decisions bring different results.

Correspondingly, we are watchful always that our decisions at the GbaramatuVoice, whether direct or indirect, intended and unintended, short term or long term, affect others; that those decisions influence thousands of people’s opinions on a political or other issues. Hence, our resolve to build a media practice/organization anchored on professionalism, objectivity and resilience.

Again, as a group with primary but freely chosen mandate to ceaselessly project the Niger Delta to the global stage, we were not unmindful of the fact that the media in every evolving democratic society like ours, is to among other functions, inculcate and reinforce positive political, cultural, social attitudes among the citizenries; to create a mood in which people become keen to acquire skills and disciplines of developed nations.

This is the reason why we are succeeding at all fronts – maintaining the flagship position and remaining a reference point in the estimation of the Niger Delta news consumers the world over, despite coming at a time our nation was facing an agonizing economic crisis.  

And as we currently race to the next level, our mission to deliver captivating content to our teeming readers, not minding the distance or terrain has even become not just inevitable but eminently desirable, as the GbaramatuVoice is mindful of the fact that a free press is not a privilege but an organic necessity in a society.

That without reliable and intelligent reporting, the government cannot govern because without a viable media practice, there is no adequate way in which it can keep itself informed about what the people of the country are thinking or doing.

Very instructive also, though on the negative side, we cannot shy away from the fact we have very lately seen, where media practitioners become more cautious than courageous in the discharge of their duties. And by so doing, assume a contributing factor to the nation’s socio-economic and political woes.

We have also watched with dismay the majority of the practitioners overtly watch the making of political-cum economic decisions that breeds poverty and perpetrates powerlessness, yet took the easy way out without addressing the underlying factors.

Media practice in Nigeria has recently seen power lately gone the wrong way but assumed it’s the right thing as they watch the nation’s political gladiators redefine democracy in the image of their actions viewed as normal.

And very lamentably, some groups and practitioners no longer see themselves as problem solvers or watchdogs of the society but now occupy a high ground they do not understand while leaving the masses that initially depended on them, confused.

Despite these loopholes, in both the practice and the industry, as we celebrate this milestone and brace-up for another eventful year, the major assurance we give our news consumers and numerous stakeholders is that we are daily reminded of our core shared value which is to among other things, to remain with you, the people, and serve you the best of our undiluted news stories, our investigative reports and other educative updates as they unfold.

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