By Ben Nanaghan
The first ship load of slaves from the Benin Kingdom arrived America over 400 years ago in 1616 and the kingdom harvested richly in Guns, Gun Powder, Gun Canons, Whiskey, Gin, Mirror, Regal Sceptres, Golden Plates and cutleries and of course lots and lots of money for slaves captured and sold.
The Bini Kingdom after 7 centuries of its migration from Oduduwa Land is still thinking, nursing, brooding and conceptualizing slave breeding while most princes, princesses, heir apparents all over the world are de-emphasizing kingship and kingdom affairs.
The Bini Kingdom still holds fast to this primitive and archaic slave culture and mentality. The Binis have never stopped calling the Ijaws of Edo State slaves, an accusation they cannot prove.
The Ijaws all over the world have never been anyone’s slaves not even of the Bins who have been our neighbours, since their arrival from Ile-Ife.
The Ijaws have therefore vehemently rejected this label of slavery imprinted on them by the Binis as they (Ijaws) are the index and original owners of wherever they are domiciled in Edo State. The Ijaws are the indigenous owners of their ancestral lands in Okomu, Gelegele, Inikorowa, Gbelebu, Abere, Ofunama, Ajakurama, Ugboama, Safarogbo in Edo state e.t.c
The great Bini historian, Chief Jacob Uwadiae Egharevba (1893-1981) in his book “A Short History of Benin Kingdom”, made it crystal and emphatically clear that the Binis met human inhabitants in the places now called Ijaw Ancestral Lands when they escaped from Oduduwa Kingdom in Ile Ife. Chief Jacob Eghareba demonstrably pontificated that the Binis came across several rivers and streams and met people whose daily livelihood was tied to these rivers and streams. These people are the Ijaws and according to Chief Egharevba, these people helped the hordes of warriors from Ile-Ife to cross over the areas in the present Benin Kingdom. For speaking this undeniable truth several Bini historians castigated Chief Egharevba for saying the Binis met people who paddled them across the various streams they came in contact with. It is possible that most of these Binis leaving Ile-Ife were coming in contact with streams and rivers for the first time in their lives.
The Binis are a very aquaphobic people while the Ijaws live nearby or on rivers and streams. From creation day Ijaws have been dependent on water and they are a highly aquaphilic riparian people as they live by, near and sometimes on rivers and streams. It is therefore unthinkable, fallacious and grossly incongruous to think that the Binis are the ancestral owners of Ijaw ancestral homes and shrines whereas it is of universal knowledge that the Binis migrated from Ile Ife to their present places of abode.
The Binis do not have any claim of ownership of any Ijaw ancestral lands situated in Edo State or elsewhere. On the contrary Ijaws have original ownership claims and rights of all Ijaws ancestral lands in Edo State.
The Binis have deprived us of all the necessities of life since the existence of the Nation called Nigeria. In fact from 1960 on independence to 1963 when the Midwest Region was created, to 1976 when Bendel was created and to the present Edo State which was created in 1991.
The overriding influence of the various Obas of Benin has muzzled the Ijaws out of existence. The whole world is aware that no Governor ruled Edo State without the Oba of Benin’s approval and support. In fact we all know in Edo State that the “power control button” is in the bedroom of the Oba of Benin and he clicks on it to favour only himself and the Benin people. Edo State is a monarchical state as the control button is in the hands of the Oba of Benin and not the undemocratically elected Governors of the State. Edo State does not operate a democracy, it runs a monarchical Regime remotely overseen by the Oba of Benin.
The Benin Kings over the years have with both feet muzzled life out of our throats, making it impossible for us to breathe and live. Since the pre-existence and the advent of the Nigerian nation, the Binis, through the various governments have treated us even worse than slaves as millions of our people have died out of deprivation, lack and outright frustration. We have been excluded from the dividends of democracy and Jean Jacque Rousseau’s social contract.
The greatest injustice and travesty of justice is for the Bini monarchy through the machinery of state power to deny us of our full voting rights in a democratic 21st Century Nigeria. What the Edo State Government has granted the Ijaws in Edo State is called partial franchise. It’s a government remotely controlled franchise which only allows you to vote for the Binis ad never to be voted for. This is deviously perfected to deprive us of our rights to be voted for. For instance, the local government structure is carved out to further compound our partial franchise, just like the local Jim crow laws of post slavery America which tried to frustrate and limit the franchise given in 1870 and 1920 respectively for male and female freed slaves. Despite the 19th amendments of August 1920 in America, it was on the 8th Aug. 1965 that women were finally allowed to vote and be voted for.
With a population of approximately one million people, the Ijaws have not been given full franchise in Edo State in a 21st Century Nigeria.
In most of the Northern States of Nigeria nearly every community is a Local Government Area. For instance, in Adamawa State Small towns like Demsa, Numan, Song, Hong, Ganye, Lamurde et.c. are all Local Governments with just one or two hamlets surrounding. The largest Local Government Area in Adamawa State is Toungo Local Government Area with only 5,665.37sq meters while Okomu which does not even have a Local Government ward has over 25,000sq kilometers accommodating Okomu Oil Palm, Okomu National Park, Okomu Forest Reserve e.t.c from the above, Nigerians can see the massive and scandalous oppression, victimization and slavery to which Edo State government, teleguided by the Binis has subjected the Ijaws in Edo State.
This wickedness and heartlessness perpetuated by the Binis against Ijaws is further accentuated by the very aggressive, gestapo and military style response to any peaceful demand for our basic and fundamental human rights. In Edo State, the Ijaw man has no rights of any sort, fundamental or basic, they don’t even have privileges.
Communities like Okomu Kingdom, Nkorowa, Safarogbo, Gbelebu, Ugboama and all the other smaller communities are more than enough to form Okomu Local Government Area. In Egbema Clan the towns of Ajakurama, Ofunama, Abere, Gbolukangan are more than enough to form two local government areas with Egbema as headquarters of one of them. But instead of at least three Local Governments Areas, all these towns above are unjustifiably and undemocratically merged with the Bini Local Government Area of Ovia South West Local Government Area. A very large town like Nikorowa is even lumped up with Ovia South West Local Government Area. Nikorowa alone can stand as a Local Government on its own. The other host Local Government Area for Ijaw towns and Communities is the Ovia North East Local Government Area which accommodates Ijaw towns like Gelegele, Ekenwan, Ikoro, Ikorikoro, e.t.c
With this undemocratic and ludicrously preposterous political gang up, all Ijaws in Edo State have been disenfranchised. The highest Political position an Ijaw man can aspire to in Edo State is that of a Local Government Councillor. Even this is at the discretion f the Binis whereas the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended) categorically states that a Nigerian citizen can aspire to the highest political office (President) in the land.
Chapter 1 section 7 of the Nigerian constitution under local governments system categorically defines conditions for the creation of Local Government Council Areas by the State. These are as follows.
The common interest of the community
Traditional association of the community
Administrative convenience