National News

Bill Seeking Creation of South-South Development Commission Passed

By Emmanuella Soroghaye 

The House of Representatives has passed a bill seeking to create a South-South Development Commission.

The House had, earlier on Tuesday, considered and adopted the report by the Committee on Justice on the bill.

The legislation is titled: “A Bill for an Act to Establish South-South Development Commission charged with Responsibility to Receive and Manage Funds from the Federation Account Allocation and Other Sources, Donations, Grants and Aids for the Integration, Development, Resolution of Infrastructural Deficit, Militancy, Communal Crisis as Well as Tackle Ecological and Environmental Problems; and for Related Matters.”

The House, in October, passed bills seeking to establish a South-East Development Commission, South West Development Commission, North Central Development Commission and a North West Development Commission.

The SEDC proposal is titled: “A Bill for an Act to Establish the South-East Development Commission to serve as a Catalyst to Develop the Commercial Potentials of the South East, Receive and Manage Funds from Allocation of the Federation for the Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Reparation for Houses and Lost Businesses of Victims of the Civil War, and Address any other Environmental or Developmental Challenges; and for Related Matters.”

The SWDC proposal is titled, “A Bill for an Act to Establish South–West Development Commission charged with Responsibility, among others, to Receive and Manage Funds from Allocation of the Federation Account, including Donations and Gifts, the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Roads, Houses and other Infrastructural Damages Suffered by the Region and the Need to Tackle the Ecological Problems and any other Related Environmental or Developmental Challenges in the South West States; and for Related Matters.”

The NCDC proposal is titled, “A Bill for an Act to Establish North Central Development Commission charged with Responsibility among other things to Receive and Manage Funds from Allocation of the Federation Account for the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Roads, Houses and Other Infrastructural damages suffered by the Region as a result of the effects of the Communal Crisis as well as tackle the Ecological Problems and any other Related Environmental or Developmental Challenges in the North Central States; and for Related Matters.”

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