
Activist Confronts Shell CEO: Ejected from AGM for Exposing Niger Delta Crisis [VIDEO]

Renowned activist Mikaela Loach has criticized Shell Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Wael Sawan, at the company’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the ongoing environmental and health crises in Nigeria’s Niger Delta. In a passionate post on X (formerly Twitter), Loach described being forcibly removed from the meeting for speaking out about Shell’s impact on local communities.

“I got removed from Shell’s AGM for simply telling their shareholders the truth about Shell’s destruction of the health and lives of people in the Niger Delta in Nigeria, where the life expectancy is only 41 years of age because of Shell’s extraction there. Shell know that the court cases coming for them in the UK courts this year could financially ruin them. As the Niger Delta rises up to demand justice, Shell are trying to sell off their assets and run. They don’t want people to know this: so let’s make sure everyone does,” Loach posted.

She continued, “I went to Shell’s AGM to share a message on behalf of @wtpnigeria comrades. My hands shook, tears fell from my eyes as security surrounded me, but nothing there was even close to what our siblings in the Niger Delta are forced to experience as a result of Shell’s extraction.”

Video: Mikaela Loach | X

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